
R & D Cell for Parul University, Research and innovation have always been the cornerstones which have been supporting the University’s continuous pursuit for knowledge and groundbreaking insights in numerous fields and disciplines. The Centre of Research for Development has been facilitating numerous platforms for the students and faculties of the University to conduct their research and develop their numerous innovations. The main drive behind the centre’s research initiatives has been centre on providing the most practical solutions to some of the society’s challenges. The University’s Extramural research projects have also received funding from reputable organisations and institutions across the world which have sponsored grants amounting to over Rs 6 Cr. The Faculties have also been engaging in extensive intramural research projects which have resulted in the filing and publication of numerous patents and copyrights.

Micro Nano Research
Research Update

Sanction for establishment of “Micro - Nano Research and Development Center” by the Industries Commissionerate, Govt of Gujarat

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Shaping Our Future Through Research

The Centre of Research for Development has been making development which have been aimed at shaping shooing developing solutions for the well-being and growth of the society. Our students and faculties have published numerous copyrights and patents which have have been contributing to the academic knowledge bank.


Patents Filed


Copyrights Filed & Granted


Patents Published

Our Prominent Fields of Research

Our research experts have been making groundbreaking research developments and innovations In various disciplines, which have been furthering scope of academics while shaping curriculums

From The Director
of Research

Dr. M R Yadav

The highest form of development is made possible as a result of the constant search for knowledge through continuous research and innovation. At the Centre of Research for Development our goal has been focusing on providing a platform where the students and faculties of the University can conduct extensive research and explore new breakthroughs. We have been engaging in both intramural and extramural projects which have been have been shaping the future of research. Beyond the scope of research, I also believe it is of great importance to provide practical solutions to some of the world’s real time challenges, this is why as CR4D have numerous forms of patents and copyrights filed and published. I believe through such a platform we will surely shape the future of research and innovation.

Grants for Extramural Research

Our ties and collaborations with prominent organisations and leading research institutions have made it possible to secure grants for extensive research in numerous fields and disciplines.

179 Lakhs

Royal Academy Of Engineering, UK

63 Lakhs

European Union Funded CABCIN Project

289 Lakhs

ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research)

82 Lakhs

Gujarat Council of Science Technology


To make Parul University a globally acclaimed university with strong R & D foundation.


To inspire and motivate students and faculty members to engage into community-centered, evidence-based, Inter-disciplinary research with significant socio-economic values.

Functional Role

  • Providing adequate orientation, training, support and networking opportunities to University students and faculty members.
  • Encouraging and facilitating Students of Parul University towards undertaking translational/ developmental research internships /dissertation/PhD thesis with ‘community in the sight’.
  • Fostering collaborations with academic, industrial, government and non-government organizations towards research capacity building and strengthening implementation fidelity.
  • Emphasising on scientific documentation, publication and dissemination of research activities towards shared learning and expediting developmental outcomes.

Our Research Collaborations

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