From the Director of International Relations
Dr. Preeti Nair
The world today has become a global village, with boundaries of nationality and culture continuously getting reduced, it becomes the duty of higher educational institutions to produce students with the capability of navigating the world beyond boundaries. As the Director of International relations, I believe that an academic journey without any form of internationalization is incomplete, in this era of globalization. Therefore, the efforts of IRC are directed towards facilitating and creating a platform for students to gain the much-needed international exposure. We have ventured to various international and cultural landscapes across the globe, with the agenda of establishing partnerships and corporations with various distinct Universities and Institutions across Europe, Asia, America and Africa. These partnerships have made it possible for us to create various avenues for inbound and outbound, student and faculty exchange programs. Research is at the centre of every form of knowledge, thus, I firmly believe that it should be the collective effort of every single person in and around the world to partake in this knowledge-seeking process. Keeping this in mind, the International Relations Cell has taken part in various research collaborations, on projects funded by various prestigious organizations such as the European Union. I believe just as the world is endless, the international opportunities for students are also endless.