We Are International

International is not just Who We Are, It is the standard of What We Do.

International Programs

  • Faculty Exchange Programs

    The programs are designed to facilitate platforms for various faculties around the world to visit Indian institutions for collaborations and research projects. It goes on to create channels for Indian faculties to visit Universities all across the world.

  • Student Exchange Programs

    The programs provide Opportunities for Indian Students to study in the various Universities across the world for a specified period. They also provide learning platforms for students from around the world to study in India

  • Study Abroad Programs

    The program is designed to create full time study opportunities for students to further their studies in various countries across the world. The process includes assistance in admission procedures, counseling to students and training students in IELTS.

About Center for International Relations and Research

With the advent of globalization, the world has become an interconnected village of diversified global cultures. Our role as the International Relations Cell is to bring our students to the world and bring the world to our students. Parul University has established a wide range of strategic partnerships and collaborations with leading Universities worldwide. Having such International ties has allowed us to provide our students with the most enriching global academic exposure. IRC continuously works towards organizing a wide range of inbound and out-bound exchange programs, across the various disciplines of study. The cell creates avenues of opportunities for students to learn in the various cultural and academic landscapes through the full time study abroad programs. The various collaborative research projects with leading institutions and organizations such as the EU, have played a pivotal role in bridging the global knowledge gap, while enhancing the quality in higher education.

From the Director of International Relations

Dr. Preeti Nair

The world today has become a global village, with boundaries of nationality and culture continuously getting reduced, it becomes the duty of higher educational institutions to produce students with the capability of navigating the world beyond boundaries. As the Director of International relations, I believe that an academic journey without any form of internationalization is incomplete, in this era of globalization. Therefore, the efforts of IRC are directed towards facilitating and creating a platform for students to gain the much-needed international exposure. We have ventured to various international and cultural landscapes across the globe, with the agenda of establishing partnerships and corporations with various distinct Universities and Institutions across Europe, Asia, America and Africa. These partnerships have made it possible for us to create various avenues for inbound and outbound, student and faculty exchange programs. Research is at the centre of every form of knowledge, thus, I firmly believe that it should be the collective effort of every single person in and around the world to partake in this knowledge-seeking process. Keeping this in mind, the International Relations Cell has taken part in various research collaborations, on projects funded by various prestigious organizations such as the European Union. I believe just as the world is endless, the international opportunities for students are also endless.

Indian Summer School: A Glimpse

Get the enriching lifetime experience of being exposed to the essence of diversity through the Incredible Indian culture. The Indian Summer School provides a learning platform coupled with an enriching cultural experience for the students from various countries across the world. This comprehensive learning experience includes academic courses delivered by some of the University’s experts, along with cultural tours and visits to some of India’s most unique heritage sites.

Upcoming Programs

Short term

1 or 2 Semester

Short term Scholarship Program 2023 || Vilniaus Kolegija


Vilniaus Kolegija

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Short term

1 Week

Global Immersion Program Dubai



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Short term

1 Week

Global Immersion Program Dubai



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Global Research Hub

Our strategic partnerships have opened avenues on multiple fronts for various avenues of collaborative research with leading institutions. These projects are undertaken with the objective of providing platforms to renowned academicians and researchers across the globe to create resources and means for the welfare of the humanity and to promote research component aggressively in the academics.
CABCIN European Union

CABCIN European Union

CABCIN is a project that is co-funded by the European Union, and is fully established under the Erasmus+, Action 2 focused on the building of capacity building center for higher educational institutions. This project in particular, is centered on enhancing the capacity, quality, and strength of Higher Educational Institutions within India. Parul University, was amongst the lead Indian partner of the project, and successfully completed the project, with the establishment of Capacity Building Centers.

Royal Academy

Royal Academy

The research project is a collaboration of the Royal Academy of Engineering The United Kingdom, in a joint collaboration with Parul University and Larsen and Toubro. The project objective is “to reduce water consumption and optimize operating efficiency of Thermal Power Plants Using Air Cooled Condensers”. Being an Undersigning party to the RAE, the University was also a satellite host of the Global Grand Challenges Summit, in line with the use of technology for promoting Sustainable Development Goals.



An annually held International Conference on Engineering Technology is hosted and organized by Parul University with the joint efforts of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Poland. The conference is organized in line with the need to create an international platform that facilitates idea innovation and social development through the use of Engineering. Various researchers have come up over the past years to share their innovative ideas in regard to smart innovation.

80+ Visiting International Faculties

Elite experts and academicians from around the world visit PU to share their global academic perspective

800+ Students Exchanged

Annually Providing students with an Enriching Global Learning Experience and Cultural Exposure

75 Multi-Disciplinary Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships covering a vast range of academic disciplines to create avenues of global opportunities.

Global Research Collaborations

Providing a platform for Collaborative Research Projects with European Union and Leading Institutions World Wide.