Creating A Safe Narcotics Free Campus

At Parul University, we strive to create a safe haven of learning for all our students, and this commitment echoes through every corner of our institute. Our utmost priority is to build an educational environment that serves the best interests for every student by putting in place measures designed to curb and restrict the use of narcotics among students. In our relentless pursuit of creating a secure campus, this commitment is evident in the active steps we have taken in order to ensure the highest vigilance against the use and abuse of substances.


Vigilance Screening Checkpoints

Use of Sniffer Dogs | Frisking Measures | Scanner

Experience a world-class learning environment and the exceptional infrastructure of India’s finest Boarding and International Schools. Immerse yourself in a truly remarkable educational setting that offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and development.


Collaboration With Local Authorities Police Agencies

To add an extra layer of security for all our students, we have also developed various collaborations with local authorities and the police narcotics department that help in regarding's spreading awareness as well curbing the use of substances in the campus. The police also support in regards to spreading awareness and keeping students aware about the various growing concerns and what they can do to ensure that they remain on the right side of the law when it comes to narcotics and substance abuse. The collaborations also help us to keep our vigilance measures in alignment with the regulatory frameworks and procedures.


Student Security and Safety

Evening Faculty Guides | Senior Retired Police & Army Officials

Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students is our utmost priority and at the core of our commitment we have the evening task force that helps us in making this possible. Various teaching and non teaching staff members. We understand the importance of peace of mind during your academic journey. That's why we go above and beyond to spare no effort in creating a safe and secure space for you.

Our multifaceted security measures are in place to ensure that you can focus on your studies without any concerns about your safety. For starters, we have a team of dedicated teachers who form a part of the evening task force. They leave no stone unturned in watching over the campus and doing the rounds to safeguard our resident students. In addition to this, a vigilant commando team and campus police force are always on duty, standing ready to protect you. Here, at Parul University, student security is not just a priority; it’s our unwavering commitment.


Promoting Student Healthcare and Mental Wellness

Use of Total Health Solutions & Yourdost Platforms

A successful academic experience begins with a sound mind, and here at Parul University, we recognise the importance of upholding your mental wellness the most. When it comes to your mental health, we take all possible steps to advance your wellbeing by adopting a proactive approach. The University has also made a collaboration with Total Health Solutions, a platform which provides full health solutions with experts doctors accessible to students.

To safeguard your welfare, we've partnered with YourDost, a dedicated portal designed to support you. Through its subscription, we offer a secure space where students can openly express their concerns. This inclusive platform not only facilitates discreet counselling but also provides valuable advice and a range of other support services. And above all, we go the extra mile to make sure that your educational journey is not only intellectually enriching but also emotionally fulfilling.


Safety Beyond the Campus For Off-Campus Students

At Parul University, our commitment to your safety extends not only within the confines of our campus walls; it goes beyond the campus gates as well. Your safety is our continuous concern, no matter where you are, both on and off campus. To fortify this bond, our dedicated team of specially trained personnel makes regular visits to your homes. This initiative creates a vital link, bridging the gap between university life and your experiences beyond campus. Your safety is not just a campus concern. It’s a continuous commitment that accompanies you in every corner of your off-campus life. Wherever you are, rest assured that our commitment to your well-being remains unwavering.