Programs Offered

  • Program Levels

Internships With Government Bodies


An Exposure to Leadership Experts


Practical Based Learning


School of Leadership & Governance

With the increasing scope of geopolitics, global coorporation, social justice, economic reforms and sustainable policies, leadership and governance have taken a position of great significance, as a way of shaping and developing abled leaders with a unique ability to drive global impact. The School of Leadership at Parul University has been uniquely structured with the goal and objective, to nurture, develop, and shaoe highly capable leaders with the much needed ability to provide a global impact. As a way of providing the students with the much needed practical exposure, the program goes on to facilitate an exposure to prominant national and international leaders and policy makers who go on to provide the students with the inspiration and guidance to become ample, bold leaders and advocates of change. The program allows the students to engage with numerous governance and public policy bodies through internships and apprenticeships, allowing the students to master the fundamentals of leadership. The scope of the leadership programs, also provides for the students a unique blend of global exposure, through the University's international exchange programs designed to provide the students with an international leadership experience which transcends national boundaries.

With the continuous evolution in human rights, with the emergence of new political ideologies, the knowledge of Arts has become crucial in navigating, and making the most meaning out of these social reforms.

The School of Leadership provides students with the most enriching learning experience through an exposure to impactful leaders and government officials to impact change

Most of the political and administrative roles, that are aligned with the government and public service require a person or an individual, who is well versed with the field of governance, as these posts require, highly critical think tanks.

The Faculty provides the most enriching exposure which nurtures and grooms highly capable individuals across multiple disciplines into a path of governance

What makes
PU School of Leadership & Governance unique?

Practical training, through student engaging workshops, conferences and seminars.
360-degree learning approach, with an overall growth in professional & Interpersonal skills.
Enriching global exposure, through exchange programs, and strategic partnerships.
Internships with government bodies and prominent public officials through the program

Message from
the Dean

Our goal and objective through the School of Leadership is to ensure that through this leadership learning experience we get to shape, train and nurture effective and knowledgeable leaders, who are not only skilled in leadership, but also possess a unique passion for driving social impact, and global development. I believe that an atmosphere of leadership with the right resources, has the ability to transform each student into a leader who is ready to not only engage with the world, but to drive significant impact through effective local, state, national and global governance. With the rise in activism, and numerous social and political plights and causes, effective policy making has become one of the most essential skillsets which is needed amongs people in all backgrounds. There is no limitation to leadership, whether in science, technology, economics, medicine, or any streams of expertise, there is a demand of capable leaders who have the ability to contribute in these sectors through effective policy making. This is where leaders are made, and i welcome every potential leader, to the School of Leadership where you can grow and develop to the height of your skills in leadership.

Dr. Chandrima Das

What Students Say

I always desired to be a leader, and I am privileged to be a part of Parul University’s leadership program where I got the opportunity to pursue my dreams and desires for governance and leadership. The program provided me with the most enriching in depth exposure to the fundamentals of leadership.

Ms. Dhruvi Kapadiya

This leadership program provides me with the most enriching practical experience through various internships and a series of projects which have allowed me to enhance and sharpen my leadership skills as well my ability to understand policy making.

Mr. Jayraj Barot

Through this program I am grateful that I got to acquire the best exposure to eminent personalities and leaders in politics and governance roles who have allowed me to gain the best exposure to the inner workings of the political field administration.

Mr. Joyal Patel

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