National Youth Day is a special day to show appreciation for and celebrate those young people around the world who have the potential to improve the country's future through the efforts of motivating the youth and spreading Swami Vivekananda's ideas. On this day, PU's Ahmedabad campus held a three-day celebration filled with inspiring activities. The activities were planned around the theme "Viksit Yuva-Viksit Bharat" for 2023. The theme aims to empower the youth of India and promote their active participation in the overall development of the country. Over 300 students and 30 faculty members from the university's four colleges attended the event.
The students were given the opportunity to express themselves creatively through the medium of art. Colour therapy is an excellent method of meditation. The way an individual colours the various pictures is an expression of their thoughts. An examination of contemporary art, how a person perceives various objects and images, and how they express their thoughts, will reveal the person's emotional and intellectual aspects. Students were shown a modern art picture and given three minutes to express what they saw. It demonstrated their interpretation and mental state. Music therapy is used to reconnect a person through instrumental music and to try to recollect happy memories. Furthermore, Certificates were awarded to the students who demonstrated the most creativity in colour therapy and modern art analysis. "We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far". - Swami Vivekananda
The Ahmedabad-based campus comprises an amalgamation of four state-of-the-art institutions which include the Ahmedabad Homeopathy Medical College, Ahmedabad Physiotherapy, Parul College of Pharmacy and Research and Parul Institute of Applied Science & Research. “ The youth are the foundation of our future, and I am truly proud to see our students actively expressing their vibrancy and their youthfulness through numerous events and activities. We will continue shaping and preparing our students for the future’ shared Dr Vinod Patel. Managing Trustee, Ahmedabad Campus, PU.