Admissions are open for BAMS/BHMS. Eligible candidates can apply. for more details contact:
Quick Links:
Course | Intake |
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery | 100 |
Doctor of Medicine-Ayurved | 54 |
Master of Surgery-Ayurved | 24 |
MD in Ayurved Samhita, Dravyaguna, Kaumar Bhritya, Kaya Chikitsa, Kriya
Sharir, Panch karma, Rachana Sharir, Rashashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Rog Nidan
MS in Prasuti Tantra and Stri Rog, Shalakya Tantra, Shalya
Parul Institute of Ayurved was established and approved on 16th September 2006 by Parul Arogya Seva Mandal which was approved by Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi and it was affiliated with Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Now 2015 onwards, it is a constituent college of Parul University, Limda, Vadodara. With these Objectives Parul Institute of Ayurved is looking forward to achieve the highest rank and set a unique benchmark in teaching methodologies of Ayurved and to set up a platform for PG and Ph.D. Scholars in various research areas. The Institute has well developed and well equipped departments with proper infrastructure as per the directions of CCIM, New Delhi. Parul Ayurved hospital is the first hospital in Guujrat state accredited by National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH). Parul Ayurved hospital is well equipped with infrastructure with 268 beds of IPD, 9 specialty OPDs with the facility of Panchakarma, shalyatantra surgery, shalakyatantra (ENT) treatment, laboratory unit, radiology unit and many other facilities. Parul Ayurved hospital is the first hospital in Gujrat state to take the accreditation for National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH)
Permission Letter(Ayush) - Click Here
MSR December 2019 - Click Here
MSR July 2019 - Click Here
Website details as per MSR
Experts deliver their views with their practical experience and developed vision which can be utilized in the academic development of the students. Keeping that in mind, Parul Institute of Ayurved plans various guest lectures to enhance the quality of students and giving them knowledge from the desk of professional successive personalities.
Guest Lecture by Dr Harishankar Sharma
Dr Harishankar sharma is one of the Legend personality in the field of Ayurveda. He was a former Director of National Institute of Ayurveda, Former Dean of IPGT & RA, Jamnagar, Ayurved Consultant in Japan. He appeared as a guest speaker in Parul University on 5th March 2020.He directed all the students of ayurveda about Career, studies and experiences in Clinical practice. He discussed about importance of Prime Samhitas and their use in Clinical Practice.
Expert Lecture by Dr.Kashinath Samagandi
Department of Swasthavritta organized a guest lecture by Dr. Kashinath Samagandi, Faculty, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur on 9th December, 2017. The third year students of PIA, all PG students and faculties attended the lecture. The function started by 10:30 am and Dr. Hemant Toshikhane, Dean, Faculty of Ayurved gave the welcome address. Dr. B.G.Kulkarni, Principal, PIAR was also present in the event. Dr. Kashinath also presented his book to Hemant sir during the function.
The topic of the guest lecture was “Ayurved way of serving food”. Sir explained the different wrong concepts that are in practice regarding ahara and detailed the principles of Ayurvedic dietetics. The class was really informative not only for students but also for clinicians.
The vote of thanks was deliverd by Dr. Rajalekshmy, Assistant Professor, PIA and Dr. Sunil Changle, HOD, Dept of Kaumarabhritya gave the certificates of appreciation and momento to Dr. Kashinath.
Expert Lecture on Sanskrit Sambhasha Shibir
Sanskrit Sambhasha Shibir was held by Department of Sanskrit Samhita and Siddhant on date16-2-16 to date 26-2-16. Sanskrit language understanding and speaking was taught by the member of Sanskrit Surabharati. In these ten days Shibir, all the students were benefited. Communication skill regarding Sanskrit conversation was improved by the students.
Expert Lecture on Preventive Cardiology
Cardiac disease is one of the leading cause of death in India & abroad. On the occasion of world heart day, an expert lecture on preventive cardiology was organized on 29th Sept. 2015. Dr. Vijesh Rajput, Physician & Cardiologist, Surat & Dr. Rakesh Salve, Ayurved practitioner & Lecturer, Dept. RSBK was speaker for this event. This lecture was very useful regarding prevention of cardiac diseases, hypertension etc. & role of Ayurveda in prevention of cardiac diseases.
Seminar is the activity connected with the sharing of Knowledge at higher extent by proficient personalities in their respective fields. Students can gain latest knowledge concerned about the subject which enhance their understanding to the subject.
National Seminar on Hypertension and its Management
Faculty of Ayurved observed National seminar on Hypertension and its Management with collaboration of Gujarat Ayurved Research and Development trust on 8th February 2019.Speakers of the seminar were Dr.Sanket Saraiya, Cardiologist and Vaidya Atwal and Dr Sandeep G. Dahilekar.
The Faculty of Ayurveda organised a National seminar and workshop on new dosage forms in classical formulations. The National Seminar attracted more than 200 PG scholars from states across India. Dr Kamlesh Sharma, Executive Council Member, CCIM. Graced the occasion as the chief guest. Dr Falgun Patel, Deputy Director, Training and Research Centre, Govt. of Gujarat also gave his honorary presence.
National Seminar on hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
A Knowledge sharing National Seminar on hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases was recently held at campus. Padmashree Balendu Prakash, an Indian Ayurvedic physician, former Physician to the President of India and the founder of Paadav, a speciality Ayurvedic hospital in Dehradun. The Government of India awarded him the fourth highest civilian award of the Padma Shri in 1999,Dr Sunil Naik, an Eminent Ayurved Consultant in hepatobiliary diseases in Belgaum also shared his clinical expertise with the students,Dr Sushil Narang, a renowned GI surgeon in Ahmedabad .These all were the keynote speaker at the seminar which bagged 600+ registrations.
National Seminar & Workshop ‘Sammohan-2019’ was successfully organized by faculty of Ayurved, Parul University in collaboration with Association of Anesthesiologist of Indian Medicine(AAIM) on February 7-8, 2019 at Parul University, Limda, Vadodara. Focal theme of the seminar was Sangyaharan Vigyan i.e. Anesthesiology in Indian medicine. Seminar was inaugurated by Shri Ranjit Puranik , Managing Director of Shri Dhootapapeshwara Ltd.; Dr. Devanshu Patel, President, Parul University); Dr. Komal Patel, Director, Paramedical Institutions, Parul University); Dr. Anand Kirishal, Dr. Anil Dutt, President, AAIM and Members of AAIM. More than 400 delegates participated and 225 delegates presented their research work in seminar. Delegates were enlightened by very informative lectures by renowned Resource Persons viz., Dr. Anil Dutt, Dr. D. N Pande, Dr. Subrahamanya Bhat, Dr. D. P. Puranik, Dr. Sangeeta Salvi, Dr. Dr P.K. Bharti, Dr. Mahesh Patil, Dr. Rameez Patel, Dr. Nandkishor V. Borse and Dr. Sampada Mahajan who discussed on various aspects of Anesthesiology such as history and use of anesthesia in General and ENT Surgeries, Anesthetic Implication on Pregnancy, Pain Management, Pharmacology of Anesthesia and Medicolegal Aspects of Anesthesia. On 7th February, 2019, two workshops were conducted in which Dr.Mrugesh Suthar demonstrated Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Endotracheal Intubation whereas Dr.Ashish Jain, Dr. Mahesh Patil and Dr.Shailesh Jaiswal provided hands-on training on Regional Anesthesia. The Seminar concluded with Valedictory Function during which meritorious students of ayurved and alumni of the ayurved institute were felicitated. The delegates were enriched by deliberations in various aspects of anaesthesiology and gained hands-on skills in practice of anesthesia during the workshop.
Parul University conducted a one day national seminar on “National Symposium on Management of Eye Diseases-SUNETRA-2018” on 9th May, 2018. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr.Gayatri Vyas Mahindroo, Senior Director, NABH, New Delhi, Dr.Shrinivas Bannigol, CCIM Member New Delhi, Dr.Vikram Upadhyay, CCIM Member New Delhi, Dr.Ashraf Ansari, CCIM Member, Unani, Dr.Hasmukh Soni, President, Gujarat Board of Ayurved and Unani System of Medicine, Dr.Kiritbhai Patel and Dr.Anup Desai. Parul Ayurveda Hospital is accredited with NABH Accreditation and Dr.Gayatri Vyas Mahindroo presented the Accreditation certificate to the Dr.Hemant Toshikhane, Dean, Faculty of Ayurved, Parul University in the event. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations. The board is structured to cater to much-desired needs of the consumers and to set benchmarks for progress of health industry. Parul Ayurveda Hospital is the first teaching hospital in Gujarat to receive the NABH accreditation. More than 20 excellence awards for teachers and students of AYUSH Institutes under Parul University were distributed in the function. Sunetra 2018 was planned with a theme to elaborately discuss the ways to maintain the health of the eyes, to discuss about their diseases, its possible treatment and to revitalize the forgotten skills of ayurveda, and recent advances made till now for eye care. Renowned opthalmologists from Parul institute of medical science and research shared their knowledge about ophthalmic disorders and the seminar ended with valedictory function chaired by Dr.Vikram Upadhyay.
National Seminar Abhighataopachara-Trauma care in Ayurveda
Faculty of Ayurveda organized National Ayurved Seminar on the theme “Abhighataopachara-Trauma care in Ayurveda” on December 29-30, 2017 at Parul University, P.O.Limda,Ta:Waghodia, Dist: Vadodara. Around 630 delegates participated in the National Ayurved Seminar held at Parul University.
Inaugurating the National Ayurved Seminar, Padmabhushan Awardee Dr.B.M.Hegde delivered Key Note Address. The National Ayurved Seminar witnessed the presence of Dr.S.R.Joshi and Dr.Vikram Upadhyay. Renowned Ayurveda Practioners such as Dr. Ravishankar Pervaje, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. Tukaram Dudhamal, Dr. Prakash Mangalasseri, Dr. Mrugesh Suthar, Dr.Alankrita Dave conducted sessions on different aspects of trauma care in ayurveda during the two days of National Seminar and also enlightened the ayurveda practioners, faculty members in the ayurveda and students by sharing their experiences on providing trauma care in ayurveda. Around 208 scientific papers were presented by the faculty members during the National Ayurved Seminar. During National Ayurved Seminar, under “ Ayurved Expo”, 8 stalls displaying various ayurved products were also put up in the campus to promote the health well-being by using Ayurvedic products. Dr.Hasmukh Soni, Chairman Gujarat Ayurveda & Unani Practitioner Board and Dr. Dinesh Pandya, Director, AYUSH Department, Government of Gujarat were invited as the Chief Guest of Valedictory Function and they also presided over preceded panel discussion held during the National Ayurved Seminar.
National Seminar on Karmakaushalyam-2017
Karmakaushalyam-2017 workshop and national seminar on clinical application of panchakarma in day to day ayurveda practice organized by faculty of ayurved,parul institute of ayurved,parul university,vadodara on 28th,29th and 30th of April 2017.more than 200 delegates registered for this event.100 plus scientific papers were presented at different venues in parul ayurved college.Guest lectures from eminent ayurved scholars motivated delegates from different parts of india.workshop on different panchakarma procedures were also conducted for practical exposure of students and other participants.
National Seminar Rudhuram 2017
A National seminar on a better life towards sickle cell disease with Ayurveda titled RUDHIRAM was organized by Parul institute of Ayurveda, dated from 5th January, 2017 to 7th January, 2017. The event kick started on 5th jan 2017 with the inauguration of scientic poster presentation competition.Dr.H S Vijaykumar registrar parul university inaugurated the poster presentation in presence of Dr.Girish T Kulkarni Associate professor dept of Rachana shareera, Sumathibhai Ayurved college Hadapsar, Pune, Dr.Krishna kant shiromani Assistant Professor Dept of pathology and head of blood bank Parul Institute of Medical science & Research, Dr.BG Kulkarni principal PIA & R. 27 scientific posters were presented by undergraduates & post graduates on various dimensions of SCD from different institutes & departments. The competition was judged by Dr. K K Shiromani & Dr. Girish T Kulkarni. Event winded up by high tea followed by delicious dinner at night.
Workshops and seminars are group meetings led by experts who focus on a specific topic or discipline. Workshops and seminars typically take place over the course of a few days and involve cooperative discussion, multiple speakers, scientific paper presentations and opportunities to share perspectives and issues related to the topic. Attending a seminar or a workshop has numerous benefits including improving communication skills, gaining expert knowledge, networking with others and renewing motivation and confidence.
National Seminar & Workshop ‘Sammohan-2019’ was successfully organized by faculty of Ayurved, Parul University in collaboration with Association of Anesthesiologist of Indian Medicine(AAIM) on February 7-8, 2019 at Parul University, Limda, Vadodara. Focal theme of the seminar was Sangyaharan Vigyan i.e. Anesthesiology in Indian medicine. Seminar was inaugurated by Shri Ranjit Puranik , Managing Director of Shri Dhootapapeshwara Ltd.; Dr. Devanshu Patel, President, Parul University); Dr. Komal Patel, Director, Paramedical Institutions, Parul University); Dr. Anand Kirishal, Dr. Anil Dutt, President, AAIM and Members of AAIM. More than 400 delegates participated and 225 delegates presented their research work in seminar. Delegates were enlightened by very informative lectures by renowned Resource Persons viz., Dr. Anil Dutt, Dr. D. N Pande, Dr. Subrahamanya Bhat, Dr. D. P. Puranik, Dr. Sangeeta Salvi, Dr. Dr P.K. Bharti, Dr. Mahesh Patil, Dr. Rameez Patel, Dr. Nandkishor V. Borse and Dr. Sampada Mahajan who discussed on various aspects of Anesthesiology such as history and use of anesthesia in General and ENT Surgeries, Anesthetic Implication on Pregnancy, Pain Management, Pharmacology of Anesthesia and Medicolegal Aspects of Anesthesia. On 7th February, 2019, two workshops were conducted in which Dr.Mrugesh Suthar demonstrated Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Endotracheal Intubation whereas Dr.Ashish Jain, Dr. Mahesh Patil and Dr.Shailesh Jaiswal provided hands-on training on Regional Anesthesia. The Seminar concluded with Valedictory Function during which meritorious students of ayurved and alumni of the ayurved institute were felicitated. The delegates were enriched by deliberations in various aspects of anaesthesiology and gained hands-on skills in practice of anesthesia during the workshop.
3 days Ph.D. workshop on Research Methodology
Faculty of Ayurveda organised 3 days PhD workshop on Research Methodology from 23rd to 25th Nov. 2018. Chief Guest for inauguration was Prof. Dr. Shriram Savrikar, former vice chancellor Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. The sessions included both interactive talks & practical demonstrations. Other resource persons who shared their knowledge were Prof. Dr. Girish K.J, Professor, Dept of Kayachikitsa, SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Dr. Ajit Gangavane, Dean Applied Sciences & Dy Registrar, Parul University, Dr. Rakesh Patel, Dr. Komal Patel, Dr. Archana Navale, Dr. Falguni Tandel & Dr. Vaishali Deshpande.
Dept of Swastha Vritta conducted Yoga Week at Parul Institute of Ayurveda from 27th Sept,16 to 1st Oct 2016. Yoga, Pranayam and Naturopathy techniques were taught by skilled trainers in the field. All the students of final year actively participated in the event and took the benefit.
Workshop on Ayurveda Research
Workshop on Ayurveda research was organized on 10th & 11th Dec. 2015. Dr.Rammanohar, Director, Aryavaidya pharmacy, Coimbatore was guest speaker for this workshop. He guided post graduate students & faculties about recent advances in the field of Ayurveda & method of research in the field of Ayurveda. He also emphasized the role of literary research & basic principles of Ayurved in treatment of complex diseases like Rheumatoid arthritis. Post graduate students interacted with Dr. Rammanohar regarding their queries about their dissertation work.
Ayur Food Fest
Department of Swasthavritta organized the Ayur food fest on 15th December, 2017 with an objective to increase the awareness of Ayurvedic dietetics among the students and to materialize preaching of pathyahara into practice. Ayur food fest was organized as a state level Ayurvedic dietary competition in Parul Institute of Ayurveda. There were 35 participants among them three were out of Parul Campus.
Doctor’s Day Celebration-2020
On 1st July 2020, Faculty of Ayurveda observed National Doctor’s Day.
International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking-2019
On 26th June 2019, Department of Agad Tantra, Parul Institute of Ayurveda observed International Day against Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking by organizing a social awareness rally.
Almost 110 students and 20 faculties from both PIA and PIAR actively participated in this rally. Mr. Shivaprasad, Intelligence Officer, NARCOTIC Control Bureau, Ahmedabad was present as special guest in this event. After the rally, Dr. Hemant Toshikhane, Dean & Principal, Parul Institute of Ayurved delivered an introductory speech regarding drug abuse and role of students toward society to spread awareness. The programme was ended by thank giving speech by Respected Dean Dr. Hemant Toshikhane.
International Yoga Day – 2019
The Dept. of Swasthavritta of Parul Faculty of Ayurved organized multifaceted sessions on behalf of International Yoga Day in June 2019. Workshop on Yoga (“Swasthyam- The Path of Wellness”) and guest lecture by Shri Paramdhama Dasa on Bhakti Yoga were arranged prior to 21st June, 2019.
On the precise day i.e 21/06/2019, the Fifth “International Yoga Day”, the team of Swasthavritta of the Faculty of Ayurved organized a mega event involving around 2,000 staff and students of Parul University in the sports ground. The event was inaugurated with the welcome of esteemed guests of the day- Shri Bhargavbhai Bhatt, Vice- president, BJP Gujarat and Shri Smit Thakkur, General secretary, BJP Yuva Morcha, Vadodara.
National Ayurved Day
Ayurveda is most ancient well documented system of medicine in practice since ancient era to today’s modern days. Ministry of Ayush observes “National Ayurveda Day” on every year the day of ‘Dhanvantari Jayanti’ Dhanatrayodashi). Ayush Institutes at Parul University observed “AYURVED DAY” with a motive to promote Ayurveda as a primary mode of treatment and also to make people at large aware about the strengths of Ayurveda Medicine.
The students also arranged a rally in Vadodara city, to create awareness about Ayurveda to the public. The rally was co-hosted by Himalaya drug company; Approximately around 500 students took part in the rally so conducted.
Doctor’s Day Celebration
The Doctor’s day celebration was organized in Parul Institute of Ayurveda on 2nd July, 2018. The function was inaugurated by Dr. Kiran Shinglot, EX CMO, MS University, Vadodara. Dr. Devanshu Patel, Dr. Komal Patel and Dr. Bagawan Kulkarni were also present in the function. Dr. Sheifali Pandya and Jignesh Chauhan, Alumnus of Parul institute of Ayurveda were felicitated during the function.
International Yoga Day – 2018
The fourth International Day of Yoga program organized by the Dept. of Swasthavritta, Parul Institute of Ayurveda on June 21, 2018 began with the morning one hour (7.00 am-8.00 am) Mega Yoga Session inaugurated by Dr. Vijayakumar, Registrar, Parul University in the main ground, Parul University campus with 1000 participants (faculties, UG students of Parul University) that included deputy registrar, Dean and HOI of various Institutes of Parul University strictly following the “Common Yoga Protocol” that had already been promulgated by CCRYN and Department of AYUSH, Government of India.
The inaugural function held at 10.00 am in the central auditorium was enriched with the presence of Shri Narsimha N Komar, IG, Telecommunications, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Shri H. P. Sisodiya, Superintendent, Prohibition & excise Department, Vadodara, Gujarat, Dr. Geetika Madan Patel, Medical Director, Parul University, Dr. M. N. Patel, Provost, Parul University and Dr. Hemant Toshikhane, Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda.
The second session of IDY, 2018 program included elocution competition on ‘Is social media favouring drug addiction or its withdrawal?’. The prizes of elocution competition and yoga demonstration competition conducted on 20 th June, 2018 in commemoration with IDY were distributed by Shri H.P.Sisodiya Sir.
World Environment Day 2017
With the theme ‘Connecting People to Nature’ for World Environment Day 2017, as declared by the UN, “ Neem Tree Plantation Programme” was organize by Faculty of Ayurved, Parul University in collaboration with Himalaya Drug Company at Khemdas Patel Ayurveda Hospital on June 5th 2017 from 10:00 a.m onwards. The event was presided by Dr Komal Patel, Managing Trustee, Parul University. Dr B.G. Kulkarni, Principal, PIA&R, Dr Rekha Parmar, Associate Professor & Head of Department of Dravyaguna, PIA, and Dr Samir Chauhan, Manager, Scientific services, Himalaya Drug Company were the featured speakers. Anchoring was done by Dr. Satej T. Banne, Assistant Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, PIA. Students, Faculties and Health seekers attended the function.
Gujarat Ayurved Premier League
Faculty of Ayurved arranged “GUJRAT AYURVED PREMIER LEAGUE” GAPL cricket tournament from 7th to 10th january 2020. This tournament was open for all colleges from all over the Gujrat state. Response was huge and we got 35 teams registration.Tournament was Inaugurated by Dr Devanshu Patel sir, President of Parul University. Dr Hemant Toshikhane sir had talk with participants. Girl team of Parul Institute of Ayurved won the match in Girl Section where Swami Narayan College of Ayurved, Kalol won the final match in Boys section.
Gurupurnima Celebration-19
Faculty of Ayurved celebrated Guru Purnima on Tuesday, 16.07.2019. Program started with Guru Poojan. Guest lecture by Shri Navin Ojha (Registrar M. S. University) was arranged to all UG students on Importance of Guru and Guru Purnima.
Shishyopanayan Samskara
Shishyopanayan is one of the traditional samskaras that marks the acceptance of a student by a guru and an individual’s entrance to a school. Parul University of Ayurveda and Parul Institute of Ayurved and Research, constituent institutions of Parul University, follow the same system in welcoming the newly admitted students by conducting Shishyopanayan. Parul Institute of Ayurved and Parul Institute of Ayurveda and Research conducted Shishyopanayan on January 3, 2019 during which Holy Hawan was performed with chanting of shlokas from Veda. About 250 under graduate and post graduate students along with Principals of ayurved institutions and teachers from Faculty of Ayurved took out rally across the whole campus with an aim to promote Ayurveda and Its Uniqueness.
Later in the day, Dr.Gaurang Joshi, Renowned Ayurved Practitioner in Rajkot, conducted Guest Lecture for the newly admitted under graduate and post graduate students and urged them to adopt ayurveda practice in place of integrated practice. Dr.Devanshu Patel, President, Parul University; Dr.Komal Patel, Member, Governing Body; Dr.Hemant Toshikhane and Dr.B.G.Kulkarni, Principals of Parul Institute of Ayurved and Parul Institute of Ayurved and Research addressed the gathering with motivational speeches.
Course | Intake |
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery | 100 |
Doctor of Medicine-Ayurved | 54 |
Master of Surgery-Ayurved | 24 |
MD in Ayurved Samhita, Dravyaguna, Kaumar Bhritya, Kaya Chikitsa, Kriya
Sharir, Panch karma, Rachana Sharir, Rashashastra Evam Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Rog Nidan
MS in Prasuti Tantra and Stri Rog, Shalakya Tantra, Shalya
Dr. Hemant D Toshikhane
Designation: Dean,Principal & Medical Superintendent
Total Exp : 27 Years
Dr. Hemant D Toshikhane
DOB : 20-07-1972
Age : 52 Years
Reg. No. : 11185
DOJ : 02-02-2015
Educational Qualification : M.S, Ph.D (Ayu), MBA, LLM
NAAC Assessor
Research Area :
Sushruta's technique in the management of Avranakandha Bhagna(Simple
Contact Infrmation | |
Office Phone | 02668260221 |
Mobile Number | 8469496525 | | |
Address | 204, Staff Quarters, Parul University Campus, PO. Limda, Ta. Waghodia, Vadodara |
Membership |
Founder Member All India Sharir Research Institute Karnataka Branch ,Member of International Association of Ayurveda Physician, |
Specialization | |
Specialization areas | Shalyatantra, Parasurgical Procedures, Orthopedics in Ayurveda |
Subject Taught UG | Shalyatantra, Rachana Sharir |
Subject Taught PG | Shalyatantra, Rachana Sharir |
Title | Description | Achived on |
Akshara Abhisheka Award | Dist collector, hassan Dist,Govt.of Karnataka | 1998 |
Manager of the Year | Best Hospital Award for Parul Ayurved Hospital by EXCELLENCE IN QUALITY AND MANAGEMENT FORUM CANNES | 2018 |
AYURVEDA BHUSHAN AWARD | International Academy of Ayurveda Physician | 2009 |
Chanakya | Awardee of Gujarat Ayurveda Research and Development Centre | 2019 |
Best Teacher Award | National Sushruta Association India | 2020 |
Appreciation Award | Supporting global integrated certificate course in Nephro-Urology by Association of Ayurvedic Practitioners | 2021 |
Formulated standard treatment plans | Formulated standard treatment plans for skeletal disorders like fractures, sprains | 2003 |
Designed curricula for MD-Sangyaharana | Designed curricula for MD-Sangyaharana, MS-Asthi&Marama Roga Vignyam For CCIM New Delhi | 2007 |
Designed curricula for MSc Ayurveda | Designed curricula for MSc Ayurveda-Akamai University Hawaii USA | 2010 |
Designed curricula for PG Diploma in Ayurveda | Designed curricula for PG Diploma in Ayurveda for University of West Indies Trinidad &Tobago | 2014 |
ASHWINOU AWARD | SDM Ayurved College Hassan Karnataka India | 2011 |
Dhanwantari Puraskar | Best Vaidya by Gujarat Board of Ayurvedic and Unani System of Medicine | 2021 |
Ashwinau Award | Bharatiya Sangyaharak Association for his noble contribution in the field of shalya Tantra and Sangyaharan | 2021 |
SushrutaRatna | Awarded by National Sushruta Association- Recognizing marvelous contribution in the field of Shalyatantra , research, health care, and public service | 2021 |
ASHWINAU AWARD | 7th International Conference of A.A.I.M at BHU, Varanasi by Dr. S.N Singh, Director of Ayush Uttarpradesh | 2022 |
Most innovative Academician | “Most innovative Academician” at Parul University. As a part of P.U. Pride Excellence | 2022 |
Most innovative Influential Leader | “Most innovative Influential Leader” at Parul University. As a part of P.U. Pride Excellence | 2023 |
Institute / Organization | Designation | Duration |
Parul University | Principal | Feb - 2015 to Till Date |
KLE Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalya Belgaum Karnataka India | Professor | Jan - 2007 to Jan - 2015 |
S.D.M.College of Ayurveda,Hassan, Karnataka India | Professor | June - 2006 to Dec - 2006 |
S.D.M.College of Ayurveda,Hassan, Karnataka India | Reader | May - 2001 to June - 2006 |
S.D.M.College of Ayurveda,Hassan, Karnataka India | Lecturer | Mar - 1996 to Apr - 2001 |
Qualification | Specialization | University | Passing Year | % | Class |
Master in Law (LLM) | Parul University | 2021-22 | |||
Bachelor in law LLB | Parul University | 2019-2020 | SGPA score: 7.80 | ||
MBA | IIBM Institute of Business Management Delhi | ||||
Ph.D | Shalyatantra | Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeet, Pune, India | 2014 | ||
MS (Ay) | Shalyatantra | Rajiv Gandhi university of the health sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India | 2003 | ||
B.A.M.S. | Karnataka University Dharwad, Karnataka, India | 1996 | 58% |
Activity Type | Activity Title | Place | Date | Faculty Role |
Treasurer | All India Shareera Research Center Karnataka Branch | Karnataka | 1998 | Treasurer |
Member | Journal “ Jnyansrotas” | Karnataka | 1998 | Editorial Board Member |
Coordinator | Institutional NAAC committee | Karnataka | 2008 | Worked As coordinator for institutional NAAC committee |
Coordinator | Associated in Establishing Sangnyharana Dept At KLE University | Karnataka | 2009 | Coordinator |
International Journal
Sr No | Publication Details | Page Number / ISSN | Period of Publication |
Sr No | Publication Details | Page Number / ISSN | Period of Publication |
1 | Shalyatantra and Rasayana- Ayurveda Holistic-: tantra--rasayana) |
38606 | |
2 | A Compilation of SandhigataVata -Ayurveda Holistic-( | Page No:2 | 1 Sep.2005 |
3 | Nasal Root Entry for cranial cavity –Pacific Journal of scientific and Technology5. ( | Vol 10 Page No 338 | Nov – May 2009 |
4 | Fracture management in Traditional Indian medicine - Pacific Journal of scientific and Technology Vol 10 , ( | Page No:342 | Nov- May 2009 |
5 | Pilonidal sinus (NadiVrana) - A case study Published in IJAR ( › Int J | July-Sep 2010 | |
6 | Ayurveda Res › v.1(3); | Page No:181 | Jul-Sep 2010) |
7 | Eczema A case study- Published in IJAR 2010| | October- 12 | |
8 | December | Volume 1 | Issue 4 ( › ... › Int J Ayurveda Res › v.1(4);) | Page No:268 | Oct-Dec 2010 |
9 | Occupational Hazards of anesthesiologist-Souvenir AIIMS 12 “SanjyaharanaShodha” (Only Print version available) | Page No:103 | Feb-2012 |
10 | Post Dural Puncture Headache and its Management- Souvenir AIIMS 12 “SanjyaharanaShodha” (Only Print version available) | Page No:97 Page No:119 |
Feb-2012 |
11 | Management of pain in vatakantak by Raktamokshana and estikasweda – A case study- Souvenir AIIMS | ||
12 | “SanjyaharanaShodha” (Only Print version available) | Page No:85 | Feb-2012 |
13 | Post anesthetic care –a Preventive major for perioperative deaths-- Souvenir AIIMS 12 “SanjyaharaaShodha” (Only Print version available) | Page No:122 | Feb-2012 |
14 | Pre anesthetic assessment of patient- Souvenir AIIMS 12 “SanjyaharanaShodha” (Only Print version available) | Page No:122 | Feb-2012 |
15 | Role of Uttar Basti in the management of Balanitits Xerotica Obliterans- World Ayurveda conference Pune , 2012 (Only Print version available) | 2012 | |
16 | Orthopedics in Indian medicine International journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal medicine, Vol 2, No 04 (2012): ( ) | Page No; 646-653 | July-Aug 2012 |
17 | Interrelation between Rasavaha and AsthivahaStrotas with Special ref. Pandu- Jnanastrotas Vol 4 Issue 1 (Only Print version available) | Page No; 11 | Apr- jun 2007 |
18 | A critical Evaluation of concept of Nasahishirasodwaram- Jnanastrotas Vol 4 (Only Print version available) | Page No:14 | Oct-March 2008/09 |
19 | Preparation of Kshar sutra using Rasaushadhi and its clinical application in bhagandar- Abstract book of World Ayurveda Congress (Only Print version available) | Page No; 261 | 2008 |
20 | Role of shiravedha in Gridhrasi- Abstract book of International conference in Ayurveda concept treatment Neuralgia disorder Udupi (Only Print version available) | Page No; 54 | 2002 |
21 | Effect of manajistadilepa and lakshakheerpaka in the management of avranakandbhagna- World Ayurveda Congress book of abstract 2002 (Only Print version available) | Page No; 80 | 2002 |
22 | Ayurveda approach towards the AsthiBhagana Management-SouvinerSoushruti National Sushruta association 3rdconference in Trivandrum (Only Print version available) | Page No; 100 | 2001 |
23 | Steroid Dependency a hope in Ayurveda- ( | ||
24 | Pancha karma a body servicing – ( › Articles) | ||
25 | A case discussion on Management of Pre anesthetic anxiety by Ayurvedic indigenous compound- Chetana Souvenir Pune 2011 (Only Print versionavailable) | PageNo:46 | 2011 |
26 | Standardization of Agnikarma in Lumbago Sciatica - ChetanaSouvenirPune (Only Print versionavailable) | PageNo:46 | 2011 |
27 | Application of Srunga in Pain Management-In Calcaneal Spur wsr Vat kantak–A case study Chetana Souvenir Pune 2011(Only Print versionavailable) | PageNo:44 | 2011 |
28 | Role of vimalapan karma in the management of Preoperative pain of PaschyamanaVidharadhi- a Randomized clinical study Chetana SouvenirPune2011(Only Print versionavailable ) | PageNo:45 | 2011 |
29 | Management of pain in kaphaavaranvischavachi through agnikarmawsr acute brachial neuralgia Chetana Souvenir Pune 2011(Only Print version available | PageNo:45 | 2011 |
30 | The Benefits of Ayurveda - › Health and Fitness › Alternative | ||
31 | My experience as an Ayurveda Teacher - Ayurashmi 2013, Magazinepublished by SDM Collage of Ayurveda Hassan Karnataka India | PageNo:30-31 | 2013 |
32 | Understanding Of Ayurveda-Yatra - January - February 2013 the High Commission of India Trinidad &Tobago | PageNo33-35. | 2012 |
33 | Pre-operative anxiety – its major concern, risk factors and strategies for prevention - SangyaharanShodh –, Volume.16, No1/ISSN 2278- 8166. | PageNo;12-16 | Feb.2013 |
34 | A Clinical Overview of Pain-TheMahratta-2013, VolI, issue I Published by Department of Ayurveda TilakMaharastraVidyapeeth Pune, Page No 50-52. 33.Deha Prakruti a tool for diagnosis -The Mahratta- 2013, VolI, issue I Published by Department of Ayurveda TilakMaharastraVidyapeeth Pune, | PageNo99-101. | 2013 |
35 | Panchkarama concepts - MYTHRI, Newsletter, Journal published by Forum of Indian Nationals Trinidad &Tobago. | May-2013 | |
36 | Dry tap and Spinal Anesthesia in a caesarian case- A case report- Anesthesia: Essays and Researches- |Volume :8|Issue :1 | | Page:103-104 | Year : 2014 |
37 | A Clinical Study of PratisarniyaKshara in the management of Rectal Prolapse. Atharva 2006 06abstractAbstracts | Page No.16 | 2006 |
38 | Effect of GandhakaRasayanGugglu in the prevention of Post operative Complication Athrva 2006 06abstractAbstracts | Page No.16 | 2006 |
39 | Effect of manjistadhiLepa in the management of Ankle Sprain Athrva 2006 Abstracts | Page No.17 | 2006 |
40 | An integrated approach in the treatment of varicose ulcer Ancient ScienceofLife.; | 32(3):161–164. | 2013Jan-Mar |
41 | Effectiveness of Jalaukavacaraṇa (Leech Therapy) in Acute Inflammatory Joint Disorders. The Pacific Journal ofScience and Technology Volume 14.Number2. (Fall) | 392-396 | November2013 |
42 | A Conceptual Review of Pain.“SanjyaharanaShodha”, Vol16No 2 | PageNo.33-37. | August-2013 |
43 | A Randomized, Comparative Clinical Study Of YashtimadhuGhrita With Lignocaine Jelly 2% Gauze Packing For Post Haemorrhoidectomy Pain Management. SangyaharanShodh –,Volume.17, | PageNo:91-99 | Aug.2014 |
44 | Failed spinal anesthesia: mechanisms, management, and Prevention. | ||
45 | SangyaharanShodh–,Volume.17, | PageNo: 51-56 | Aug.2014 |
46 | Syringing method as an alternative to Śṛṇga therapy in Vātakaṇṭaka | ||
47 | Ancient Science of Life.;34(1): | 50–52 | 2014 Jul-Sep |
48 | Innovative approach in the management of horse-shoe fistula-in-ano with Kṣārasūtra | ||
49 | AncientScienceofLife.;34(3): | 162–166. | 2015 Jan-Mar |
50 | Effect of Karamardādi Yoga versus diclofenac sodium in post-operative pain management: A randomized comparative clinical trial, Ancient Science ofLife/ /Vol35/Issue 4, | page217-221 | Apr-Jun2016 |
51 | Cultivation Techniques ofAmla(EmblicaofficinalisGaertn.),AYURVEDA AND ALL, Vol. 13,IssueNo.4, ,ISSN-0973-9831 | April2016- June2016 | |
52 | A Bird Eye ViewonKaphavrutaVyana; A Case Report,AYURVEDAAND ALL, Vol. 13, Issue No.5,ISSN- 0973-9831 | July2016-Sept.2016 | |
53 | Juices: To abolish fear of summer, AYURVEDA AND ALL, Vol. 13 Issue No. 5,-,,ISSN-0973- 9831 | October 2016- December2016 | |
54 | AntiMicrobialActivityOfVidangaChurna(EmbeliaribesBurm.)ByCup | ||
55 | DiffusionTechnique,PHARMAGENE, | Vol:3Issue:2,, ISSN2321-0966 | 2016 |
56 | PharmacognosticAndPhytochemicalStudyOfLangali(GloriosasuperbaLinn.):AnExperimentalStudy, | Vol:3Issue:2, ISSN2321-0966 | 2016 |
57 | Cons questing Malnutrition,PHYTOPHARM, | ISSN2000-1992 | June’2016 |
58 | Materials & Methods of different heat therapy, World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,Volume6, Issue1,. | ISSN2277-7105 | |
59 | AshwathaTraditionalUsesInGynaecologicalDisorder:A | ||
60 | SystematicReview,Pharmagene, Vol:3Issue:2 | ISSN2321-0966 | April2016 |
61 | Review on Amalaki Elucidated in Ayurveda classic, Ayurveda And All,0973-9831. | Jan2017-MAR2017, Year 2017 | |
62 | Drug review of Shyonak (Oroxylumindicum Vent.) Explicate in Ayurvedaclassic, AYURVEDA AND ALL, Volume 14, No. 2, | ISSN0973-9831 | April2017- June 2017 |
63 | RoleofRasayanChikitsaonimmunologicaldeficit,Phytopharm,R.N.No.:DELENG/2000/1992,DL (E)-20/5177/15-17. | May’2017 | |
64 | TheRoleofVataharaDravya’s&PachanDravya’sinAmavata(RheumatoidArthritis): A Case Study, The Antiseptic, | Page no. 42-45, , ISSN:0003-5998. | June’ 2017 |
65 | SwasthasyaSwasthyaRakshanam- Our Health, Our Rights, Our Lives: With Ayurveda, The Antiseptic. | Pageno.32- 39, ISSN:0003-5998 | July’2017 |
66 | Connectingpeopletonature,TheAntiseptic, | Pageno.43-45, ISSN:0003-5998. | July’2017 |
67 | A Clinicalcasestudyof pleomorphic adenoma,WorldJournalofPharmaceutical Research, Volume 6, Issue10,. | Pg.1287-1291,ISSN:2277-7105 | |
68 | Role of Basti&VataharaDravya’s in Gradrasi (Sciatica): A case study,AYURVEDA AND ALL, | Page no. 30 – 34,.,ISSN: 0973-9831. | July 2017’ to Sept |
69 | Pharmaceutical Preparation Of MulakaKsharaand Its Preliminary Physico- ChemicalProfile,3301wjpmrworldJournalOfPharmaceuticalandMedicalResearch,Volume3, | Issue9,Page No.401-405 | |
70 | HastamevPradhantamYantram, WorldJournalOfPharmacyAndPharmaceutical Sciences,421volume7,Issue5, | PageNo.1454- 1461 | |
71 | Experimental Models In Surgery, World Journal Of Pharmaceutical AndMedical Research,Volume4,Issue 4, Page320-322. | ||
72 | Donate An Organ Save A Life, Ayurveda AndAll,January2018-, | PageNo.6-8 | March2018 |
73 | NonVerbalPainIndicatorsW.S.RToAyurveda,Pharmaayurved,Www.Pharmaayurved.In,Volume1,Issue5 | Issn24568279 | |
74 | 80. A Comparative Clinical Efficacy Of Agnikarma With Lauhashalaka AndTamraShalaka In The Management Of SandhigataVata(Cervical Spondylosis), World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol7,Issue9, | PageNo.1343- 1355 | |
75 | PharmaceuticalPreparationOfGaumutradiKsharaAndItsPreliminaryPhysico-Chemical Profile, World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume7,Issue 10,1111-1117, | Issn2277–7105. | |
76 | Healing potential of PanchatiktaGhrita in the management of post drainage wound of Psoas Abscess-ARareCaseReport,Internationaljournalofayushcasereports (ija-care), | issn:2457-0443 | |
77 | A Preparation And Pharmaceutical Review Of MakkayaPaneeyakshara,World Journal Of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 7,Issue 5, 1461-1466, | Issn2277–7105 | |
78 | 8Clinical Evaluation of PaneeyaKshara (Oral Administration of AlkalineMedicine) in the Management of PittashayaAshmari (Cholelithiasis), JRTM, J.Res.Tradit. | Med.2018; 4(1): 9-15doi:10.5455/JRTM.2018/299146. | 2018 |
79 | Acute Oral Toxicity Study Of Smashit Tablet, ,AryavaidyanJournal,Volume31,Issue2. | January 2018- April 2018 | |
80 | Panchakol: A Boon For Postnatal Mothers, World Journal Of Pharmacy AndPharmaceutical Sciences, Volume7,Issue5, | PageNo.1066-1071 | |
81 | Parisheka A Variety OfSwedana Karma, World Journal Of PharmaceuticalAnd MedicalResearch,Volume4,Issue 5, | PageNo.253-257. | |
82 | EffectofShireeshaBeejadiLepainBahyaArshaW.S.RToExternalHarmorrhoids – A single Case Study World Journal ofPharmaceutical AndMedical Research | ISSN2455-33015(7)268-270. | |
83 | MedogranthiWithSpecialReferenceToLipoma,WorldJournalOfAdvance HealthcareResearch Issue 4, Volume3, | ISSN2457- 0400, PageNo.80-83 | |
84 | A Pilot Study On Lipoma With Ayurvedic Treatment, World Journal of Pharmaceutical And Medical Research. | ISSN 2455-33015(7)264-267 | |
85 | AyurvedicApproachOfGarbhiniParicharya(RegimenForPregnantWomen)International Journal of Advanced Research 7(6)883- 887 | ||
86 | Review Article On Sira Vedhan (Venaof Puncture) as one of the Ayurvedic Method Of bloodletting International Journal Of Advanced Research | ISSN2320- 93. 54077(7) |
87 | A comparative clinical study of agnikarmashalaka in the management ofbahyaarshawsr externalskin tag2456-p82799vol2issue-01 | ||
88 | An Ayurvedic Perspective of Arsha, European Journal of Biomedical andPharmaceutical Sciences, 2019, Volume 6, Issue 7, | ISSN 2349-8870 Page No.415-418. | |
89 | The Effect Of Application Of Tila Kalka And Rubbing By Agnitapta Loha Shalaka In Medogranthi With Special Reference To Lipoma, World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 12, | ISSN 2454-2229, PageNo.192-197 | 2019 |
90 | Preparation and Analysis Of Physiochemical Characteristics of TilaNaalKshar, Purakala, Volume 31, Issue 43, | ISSN 0971-2143, Page No.143-147 | May 2020 |
91 | A Clinical Case Study of Application of Kala Malham In The Management of DustaVrana (Post Surgical Non HealingDiabeticWound),IJRAP, Vol. 7, Issue 2, | E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN2349- 5138,Page No.212-217. | April 2020 |
92 | Preparation Of Kala Malham And Standardization, IJRAP, Vol.7,Issue2 | E-ISSN 2348- 1269,P-ISSN2349-5138,PageNo.495-498. | April 2020 |
93 | Preparation Of Gangeruki Malahara And Standardization,IJRAP,, Vol. 7, Issue 2, | E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN2349-5138,Page No.514-517 | April2020 |
94 | A Clinical Case Study OfGangerukiMalahar In The Management Of GudaVicarW.S.R.ToAnalFissure,IJRAP,Vol.7,Issue2, | April2020 | |
95 | Role of Vimlapana Karma In Accelerating The Rate of Wound Healing InVaricoseUlcer- ACaseStudy,HighTechnologyLetters,VolumeNo.26,Issue6,. | ISSNNo.1006- 6748,E-ISSN2348-1269,P-ISSN2349- 5138,Page No.224-229. | June2020 |
96 | Wound Healing Effect of Vimlapana Karma In Varicose Ulcer – A CaseStudy, Alochana Chakra Journal, Volume IX, Issue VI,June/2020,. | ISSN NO: 2231-3990, PageNo:1846-1854 | |
97 | Holistic Approach in the management of Venous Ulcer : A CASE STUDY IN in Journal of Propulsion Technology. | ||
98 | Compilation of Role of Panchakarma in Osteoarthritis – A critical review, in Journal of Propulsion Technology | ||
99 | A holistic approach for the management of Asthila W.S.R to BPH : A case report. | ||
100 | A CASE STUDY Uttar Basti – The promising approach for the management of Uretheral stricture, in Eurepean chem Bulletin. | ||
101 | Ksharasutra as minimally invasive modality in management of naadivrana W.S.R to pilonidal sinus, in Eurepeanchem Bulletin | ||
102 | Management of SandhigataVata (Cervical Spondylosis) by Agnikarma with LauhaShalaka-An Observational Pilot study | ||
103 | An Analytical Study of Gokshurchurna&Yavakshar | ||
104 | An Open Label Study To Evaluate The Efficacy And Safety Of Smashit Tablets In Treatment Of Urinary Calculi, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research| Volume-8| Issue-11 | ||
105 | Ayurvedic Management of Abscess â “ Single Case Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH | ||
106 | Comparative Temperature Study of Different Dahanopakaran Used in Agnikarma Procedure, I INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH. | ||
107 | Ayurvedic Management of Abscess “Single Case Study,in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. | ||
110 | Development of Software Based Agnikarma Device in the Management of Griva Snadhi Gata Vata. | ||
111 | Ayurvedic Management of Syringomyelia A Single Case Study-TuijinJishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology Vol. 44 No. 2 | , ISSN: 1001-4055, | -2023 |
Project Guided
Project Title | Agency | Start Date |
Project Title | Agency | Start Date |
Yavakshara in the management of pittshya Ashmar | “Yavakshara in the management of pittshya Ashmar”i – Study completed in 2005 for RGUHS Bangalore | 2005 to 2007 |
Effect of Karmardadi yoga versus Diclofenac sodium | Effect of Karmardadi yoga versus Diclofenac sodium in post operative pain management – A randomized clinical trial | 2010 to 2013 |
Comparison of Efficacy of Mandukadi compound versus Alprazolam | Comparison of Efficacy of Mandukadi compound versus Alprazolam in preoperative Anxiety Management – A randomized clinical trail | 2010 to 2013 |
Effect of Yastimadhu Ghrita | Effect of Yastimadhu Ghrita in Post hemorrhoidectomy pain management | 2011 to 2014 |
Post dural puncture headache after spinal Anesthesia | Post dural puncture headache after spinal Anesthesia-an observational study in lower Segment caesarian section in relation with Deha Prakruti | 2011 to 2014 |
Observational study of wipe out Period of spinal Anesthesia | Observational study of wipe out Period of spinal Anesthesia in post hemorrhoidectomy in comparison with Prakruti | 2012 to 2015 |
A prospective, randomized, comparative, parallel, 2- arm study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a Myostaal liniment application as add-on therapy for the reduction of spasticity in patients suffering from Hemiplegia. | Dhootpapeswar | Ongoing |
A randomized, double blind , placebo controlled multicenter , comparative, interventional, prospective clinical study to evaluate efficacy and safety of MIGRA 365 Capsules in participants suffering from episodic migraine. | Target institute of medical education and research private limited. |
Ongoing |
A randomized, double blind , placebo controlled multicentric , comparative, prospective interventional, clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of NC009 biscuits as an immunity enhancer in healthy individuals | Britannia industries limited | Ongoing |
A Comparative Clinical Study To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Sandhirujantak Tel And Nirgundi Tail In The Management Of Text Neck Syndrome | Solumiks Herbaceuticals Limited, | Ongoing |
Evaluation of Effect of Sahadevi (Vernoniacinerea)Powder in symptomatic improvement of mild tomoderateCOVID19Positive Patients a doubleblindplacebocontrolledstudy | CR4D cell,Parul University |
Completed |
Evaluation of Effect of Composite AYUSH Treatmentas Prophylaxis of COVID 19(SamshamaniVati, KhadiradiVati, Mahasudarshan GhanaVati, Dashamoola Katutraya Ghana Vati, ShadbinduTailaNasya) |
Faculty ofAyurved, ParulUniversity | Completed |
An open label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of smashit tablets in the treatment of urinary calculi | Gufic Pharmaceutical s | Completed |
Heavy metal detecting strip | M2M i-Hub Gujarat | Completed |
Treatment adherence, tolerability and safety of Ayurveda therapeutic regimen in the management of primary knee osteoarthritis: a hospital based study | SMART, CCRAS | Approved |
Awarded Ph.D THESIS
Sr. No | Name of Student | Topic |
1 | Dr Jyoti Kumbhar | Clinical Evaluation of Effect of CharakoktaSuth |
2 | Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni | “A Randomized Comparative Clinical Study of Vimlapana Karma with JatyadiTaila in the management of DushtaVrana with special reference to Varicose Ulcer”. |
3 | Dr JaiswalShaileshkumar R | Clinical study on dhanyakagokshuradighritakshabasti in the management of mootraghatawsr benign prostatichyperplasia |
4 | Dr.Ambikadhiman | A comparative study of effect on Barssicaolercea (cauliflower) using common washing methods and medicated water washing w.s.r to estimation of pesticide residue |
5 | Dr Shivanand A Kembhavi | Effect of Chandanadi Ropana Tail Matra Basti as A pre and perioperative measure |
6 | Dr Harish Daga | To evaluate the efficacy of software based Agnikarma device in the management of Griva Sandhivata |
7 | Dr Jayasheela Goni | Sciento metric Analysis and mapping of scientific research articles on Hirudo therapy with respect to health the rapy in skin disorders for ayurved novice research scholars from thedatabase1998to 2018 |
8 | Dr Pradeep Desai | A clinical study of analyzing The quantify in gvatadosabtyveda pulse device before and after the procedure of siravyadha in vatavyadhi wsr to gridhrasi (Sciatica) |
Dr. Hemant Thoshikhane
Dean & Principal
Exp :26.10 Years
M.S., Ph.D.(Ayu)
Dept. of Shalya Tantra
DOJ : 02.02.2015
DOB : 20.07.1972
Reg. No. :11185 KAUPB Bangalore
Dr.Om Prakash Dave
Exp :35.10 Years
Dept. of Shalya Tantra
DOJ : 27.02.1987
DOB : 02.12.1959
Reg. No. :18064 (A)
Exp :5.4 Years
Dept. of Shalya Tantra
DOJ : 09.04.2017
DOB : 05.02.1990
Reg. No. : 26144 BIMAU RAJ
Dr Aswin Haridas MS (Ayu)
Associate professor
Exp :5.3 Years
Shalya tantra
DOJ :19.1.2023
DOB : 14.05.1989
Reg. No. :38810 (KAUP)
Dr Vidya G Mohan
Assistant Professor
Exp :4.9 Years
M.S. (ShalyaTantra)
Dept. of ShalyaTantra
DOJ : 31.03.2018
DOB: 29.08.1989
Reg. No. : 14423 (TCMC)
Dr Vikram Singh
Assistant Professor
Exp :7 month
MS Shalya Tantra
Shalya Tantra
DOJ : 15.9.2022
DOB : 14.11.1995
Reg. No. : 26518 (CIMH)
Dr. Amal Thomas
Assistant Professor
Exp :2 Years 2 Months
Shalya Tantra
DOJ : 23.12.2024
DOB : 26.06.1993
Reg. No. : 20864 (TCMC)
Dr Parikshit Shirode
Exp :16 years 2 months
Shalya Tantra
DOJ : 01.12.2018
DOB : 27.05.1980
Reg. No. : I-43581 A1 ( MCIM )
Dr Hari Sankar M S
Assistant Professor
Exp :3 Years
MD Ayu ( Swasthavritta and yoga )
Swasthavritta and Yoga
DOJ : 07.09.2023
DOB: 11.10.1992
Reg. No. : 36698 ( KAUP )
Dr. Aparna Bagul
Exp :11.6 Years
Dept. of Swasthavritta
DOJ : 01.07.2011
DOB : 26.05.1974
Reg. No. : I30837A1 MCIM
Exp :5.11 YEARS
BAMS, M. Sc (Yoga), MD(Ay)
DOJ :15-12-22
DOB : 21-08-1989
Reg. No. :14068 (TCMC)
Khalilahmad Chauhan
Exp :8 months (statistics)
DOJ :05-06-2024
DOB : 01-04-1997
Dr Arun Ramakantbhai Vaidya
Exp :13.11 Years
Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta
DOJ : 11.02.2009
DOB : 22.03.1958
Reg. No. : IGB1- 9025
Dr. Vijay Bhagat
Exp :10.4 Years
Dept. of Samhita, Siddhanta
DOJ : 09.01.2012
DOB : 02.07.1983
Reg. No. : I-58349-A
Exp :6.3 Years
Dept. of Samhita, Siddhanta
DOJ : 10/3/2016
DOB : 18.04.1986
Reg. No. : NA
Dr.Ashwini Kumar Patil
Exp :10 years 7 months
-B.A.M.S. M.D.Ayurved Samhita ( Ph.D Scholar)
Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta and Samskrut
DOJ : 03.01.2025
DOB : 02.06.1986
Reg. No. : GB I - 24971
Dr. Greeshma Mohan
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 Month
Samhita and Siddhant
DOJ :22.03.2023
DOB : 22.05.1987
Reg. No. :11695 (TCMC)
Dr Veena P V
Assistant Professor
Exp :1.0 Years
Dept. of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhant
DOJ : 10.01.2022
DOB: 05.04.1994
Reg. No. : 21894
Dr. Dattu Narayanrao Bandapalle
Exp :14.7 Years
Dept. of Rachana Sharir
DOJ: 16.06.2008
DOB : 05.02.1981
Reg. No. : I-47741-A ( MCIM. Mumbai)
Dr. Akashdeep Meshram
Exp :16.9 Years
Dept. of Rachana Sharir
DOJ : 15.04.2006
DOB : 01.03.1975
Reg. No. : I-I 35117 A1
Dr. Niravkumar Patel
Assistant Professor
Exp : 3.4 Years
Dept. of Rachana Sharir
DOJ : 09.09.2019
DOB : 06.12.1991
Reg. No. :GBI20250
Dr. Kishan Singh
Assistant Professor
Exp :2.3 Years
Dept. of Rachana Sharir
DOJ : 15.10.2020
DOB : 27.01.1993
Reg. No. : 27036 (BIMR)
Dr. Deveshwari Namdeo Raut
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 Yr 1 month
B.A.M.S., M.D.(Rachana Sharir)
Dept. of Rachana Sharir
DOJ : 09.10.24
DOB : 05.12.1992
Reg. No. : GB(I)-25530
Dr. Vaidehi Raole
Exp :16.4 Years
Dept. of Kriya Sharir
DOJ : 23.08.2006
DOB : 24.04.1965
Reg. No. : GBI-16294
Exp :5.4 Years
Dept. of Kriya Sharir
DOJ : 19.08.2017
DOB : 26.12.1989
Reg. No. : I-73456-A MCIM
Dr. Ravi Pandya
Assistant Professor
Exp :3.4 Years
Dept. of Kriya Sharir
DOJ : 03.09.2019
DOB : 02.07.1993
Reg. No. :GB(I) 20804
Dr.Tanjilaben Rasidbhai Solanki
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 Year,1month
B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)
Dept. of Kriya Sharir
DOJ : 08.01.2024
DOB : 24.07.1993
Reg. No. :GBI-21123
Dr. Payal Choudhary
Assistant Professor
Exp :6 months 20 days
Dept. of Kriya Sharir
DOJ : 12.08.2024
DOB : 12.01.1996
Reg. No. :DBCP/A/9196 ( Delhi)
Dr. Rekha Parmar
Exp :13.2 Years
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 02.11.2009
DOB : 11.03.1966
Reg. No. : GBI-10664
Dr. Satej Banne
Associate Professor
Exp :7.1 Years
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 24.11.2015
DOB : 16.06.1989
Reg. No. : 29326 KAUPB Bangalore
Dr Anjana J
Assistant Professor
Exp :1.9 Year
M.D. Ayu Dravyaguna
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 30.03.2021
DOB : 27.02.1992
Reg. No. : 3713A (KAUPB)
Dr Parth Akhani
Assistant Professor
Exp :2.0 Years
MD Dravyaguna Vigyan
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 01.10.2021
DOB : 26.01.1994
Reg. No. :GB I - 21198
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 10.05.2024
DOB : 03.10.1988
Reg. No. : 30348 (KAUPB)
Dr. Ajay Yadav
Assistant Professor
Exp :8 years, 2 months
M.D. (Ayu)
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 01.04.2023
DOB : 04.03.1991
Reg. No. : A660/2016 (Goa)
Dr. Gaurav Thakur
Assistant professor
Exp :1 month
M.D. (Ayu)
Dept. of Dravyaguna
DOJ : 04.02.2025
DOB : 16.03.1995
Reg. No. : 5814-I/2019 ( Himachal Pradesh )
Dr Anitha H
Exp :15.8 Years
Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya kalpana
DOJ : 07.05.2007
DOB: 26.01.1976
Reg. No. : 12722 (KAUP)6
Dr Dharmesh Chauhan
Assistant Professor
Exp :2.7 Years
Dept. of Rasashastra
DOJ : 25.02.2022
DOB: 31.05.1991
Reg. No. : GBI 19894
Assistant Professor
Exp :11 months
Dept. of Rasashastra
DOJ : 16.08.2021
DOB: 11.03.1989
Reg. No. :13752 (TCMC)4
Dr Richa Raj
Associate Professor
Exp :7 years 2 months
Dept. of Rasashastra evum Bhaishajya Kalpana
DOJ : 15.12.2023
DOB: 23.11.1988
Reg. No. :14221/TCMC
Dr. Anjali Amrutlal Gambhava
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 month
B.A.M.S., M.D. (R.S.B.K.)
Dept. of Rasa shastra evum Bhaishjya Kalpana
DOJ : 04.02.2025
DOB: 19.08.1997
Reg. No. : GB -22376
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 Year 1 months
BAMS, MD (Ayu)
Dept. of Rasashastra evam Bhaishjya Kalpana
DOJ : 08.01.2024
DOB: 08.07.1997
Reg. No. : GB I - 22834
Exp :10.4 Years
Dept. of Rognidan
DOJ : 30.08.2012
DOB : 30.08.1985
Reg. No. : 23998 KAUPB Bangalore
Dr. Shama Deepak Karekar
Associate Professor
Exp :6.6 Years
M.D.(Rognidan & vikruti vidnyan)
Dept. of Rognidan & Vikruti vidnyan
DOJ : 01.07.2016
DOB: 21.12.1986
Reg. No. :I-68150-A (MCIM)
Dr Akshatha K
Assistant Professor
Exp :9 months
BAMS M.D.(Ayu)
Dept. of Rognidan & Vikruti vidnyan
DOJ : 03.06.2024
DOB: 29.03.1994
Reg. No. : 42160 (KAUPB)
Dr. Abhinay Agrawal
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 year 1 month
BAMS, MD(Ayu.)
Dept. of Rognidan & Vikruti vidnyan
DOJ : 08.01.2024
DOB: 10.07.1995
Reg. No. : 57713 ( Madhya Pradesh )
Dr. Arun Mohan MK
Assistant Professor
Exp :4.0 Years
Dept. of Agad Tantra
DOJ : 22.12.2018
DOB : 19.05.1989
Reg. No. : 13706
Dr Manuprasad K S
Associate professor
Exp :6.0 Years
Dept. of Agad Tantra
DOJ : 09.01.2017
DOB : 30.05.1988
Reg. No. : 12721 (TCMC)
Exp :1 year
Dept. of Agad Tantra
DOJ : 27.03.2024
DOB : 29.10.1994
Reg. No. : 20293 (KSMC)
Dr. Rita Makim
Exp :16.4 Years
Dept. of Prasuti Tantra Avum Stri Roga
DOJ : 13.09.2006
DOB : 01.10.1963
Reg. No. : GBI9333
Assistant Professor
Exp :1.9 Years
Dept. of Prasuti Tantra Avum Stri Roga
DOJ : 25.03.2021
DOB : 17.11.1983
Reg. No : 9691 TCMC
Dr Vasupradha R
Assistant Professor
Exp :0.6 months
B.A.M.S., M.S. (Ayu)
Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
DOJ : 11.07.2022
DOB: 25.12.1994
Reg. No. :1415 (TNBIM)
Dr Aktthu Suresh
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 year 10 months
Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
DOJ : 30.12.2023
DOB: 10.11.1993
Reg. No. :23232 (TCMC)
Dr. Shriniwas dilip jadhav
Associate professor
Exp :8 years 09 months
BAMS, MS, PhD (ayu)
Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
DOJ : 24.10.2024
DOB: 18.03.1995
Reg. No. : I-59040-A-1 (MCIM)
Dr. Mauli Vaishnav
Associate professor
Exp :7 years 2 months
M.S. (Prasuti Tantra & Streeroga), Ph.D., M.B.A.
Dept. of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga
DOJ : 09.10.2024
DOB: 07.07.1989
Reg. No. : CG02650 AYURVED
Dr. Kavya Mohan
Assistant Professor
Exp :4 Years
MD Ayu (Kaumarabrithya)
DOJ : 26.12.2023
DOB: 20.01.1993
Reg. No. : 25595 (GBI)
Dr. Swapnil Raskar
Associate Professor
Exp :7.1 Years
MD, Ph.D (Ayu)
Dept. of Kaumarbhritya
DOJ : 12.12.2015
DOB : 03.02.1986
Reg. No. : I-64673-A MCIM
Dr. Shaiaja Kishanrao lohar
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 month
Dept. of Kaumarbhritya
DOJ : 04.02.25
Reg. No. : 43049 ( KAUPB )
Exp :1 month
BAMS, MD (Ayu-Kaumarbhritya)
Dept. of Kaumarbhritya
DOJ : 04.02.2025
Reg. No. : GB I 23703
Dr. Ishita Swami
Assistant Professor
Exp :2 Years 5 Months
B.A.M.S, M.D. (Kaumarbhritya)
Dept. of Kaumarbhritya
DOJ : 10.09.2024
Reg. No. : 28064 (Rajasthan)
Dr Dipeeka Suresh Surwase
Associate Professor
Exp :5.2 years
MD (AYU) Kayachikitsa
Dept. of Kaumarbhritya
DOJ : 06.01.2017
Reg. No. : I-74192-A
Dr. Deepthi Vishvaroopam
Associate Professor
Exp :8 years, 2 months
M.D. (Ayu)
Dept. of Kaumarbhritya
DOJ : 01.01.2017
Reg. No. : 14535 (TCMC)
Dr. Shailesh Deshpande
Exp :14.7 Years
M.D. (AYU) Kayachikitsa
Dept. of Kayachikitsa
DOJ : 02.06.2008
DOB : 23.11.1977
Reg. No. : I- 38681-A-1
Dr. Manu R
Exp :13.6 Years
MD, Ph.D (Ayu)
Dept. of Kayachikitsa
DOJ : 06.07.2009
DOB : 10.07.1979
Reg. No. : 15498
Dr Jaimini Rathod
Assistant professor
Exp :1 year 2 months
Dept. of Kayachikitsa
DOJ : 08.01.2024
DOB : 18.07.1991
Reg. No. : GB-I 19400
Dr. Vaishali Rathod
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 month
Dept. of Kayachikitsa
DOJ : 04.02.2025
DOB : 26.02.1996
Reg. No. : GB I -21865
Dr Nishant N Patel
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 Year 1 Months
Dept. of Kayachikitsa
DOJ : 08.01.2024
DOB : 11.06.1997
Reg. No. : GB I - 22723
Dr. Sangeeta Toshikhane
Exp :14.1 Years
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 12.12.2008
DOB : 07.12.1973
Reg. No. : 11455 (KAUPB)
Dr. Nirmala Sonawane
Associate Professor
Exp :9.1 Years
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 02/12/2013
DOB : 03.02.1986
Reg. No. : I-60776-A
Exp :6.0 Years
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 16.01.2017
DOB : 14.03.1987
Reg. No. : 27050 KAUPB Bangalore
Dr. Maitree Patel
Assistant Professor
Exp :6.0 Years
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 03.09.2019
DOB : 26.02.1994
Reg. No. : G.B.(I) 20883
Dr. Yamini Sabharwal
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 month
BAMS, MD (Ayu.)
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 04.02.2025
DOB : 17.03.1996
Reg. No. : 27222
Central NCISM reg. no. - NR/AY/HR/0004289
Dr. Deepak Yadav
Assistant Professor
Exp :1 month
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 04.02.2025
DOB : 12.10.1995
Reg. No. : 28519 Rajasthan)
Dr Rahul
Assistant professor
Exp :1 year
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 06.09.2024
DOB : 30.03.1995
Reg. No. : DBCP /A/9382
Dr. Swati Barve
Associate Professor
Exp :8 years, 2 months
M.D. (Ayu)
Dept. of Panchakarma
DOJ : 01.01.2025
DOB : 19.04.1987
Reg. No. : 52533 (MP)
Dr. Manjiri Keskar
Exp :17.11 Years
Dept. of Shalakya Tantra
DOJ : 01.02.2005
DOB : 09.11.1971
Reg. No. : I-26844-A-1
Dr Manisha Naringe
Exp :27.4 Years
M.S. Shalya
Dept. of Shalakyatantra
DOJ : 01.09.1995
DOB: 21.05.1969
Reg. No. : GBI 14868
Dr. Shalaka More
Assistant Professor
Exp :4.0 Years
M.S. (Shalakyatantra - Netra Roga)
Dept. of Shalakya Tantra
DOJ : 17.01.2019
DOB : 18.05.1984
Reg. No. : I-57813-A
Dr Anu Vijayan
Assistant Professor
Exp :7 months
Shalakya Tantra
DOJ : 13.9.2022
DOB : 03.01.1988
Reg. No. :13469 (TCMC)
Assistant professor
Exp : 3 years 1 month
BAMS, M.S (Shalakya Tantra)
Shalakya Tantra
DOJ : 21.09.2024
DOB : 26.12.1994
Reg. No. :37899 (KAUP Board)
Associate professor
Exp : 5 years 4 months
BAMS, M.S (Shalakya Tantra)
Shalakya Tantra
DOJ : 22.10.2024
DOB : 26.06.1991
Reg. No. :2335/A (TNBIM)
Dr Radhika Gandhi
Assistant Professor
Exp : 1 month
Shalakya Tantra
DOJ : 04.02.2025
DOB : 02.08.1994
Reg. No. : 58101 (M.P. )
Mr Vikrambhai Dantan
Yoga Teacher
Exp :6 Months
Mrs Mithri KS
Exp :6 Months
M.Sc Mathematics
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