Annually the 29th of September is celebrated as the World Heart Day to raise awareness on health related to the heart. On a global scale Heart related ailments account for 17.9 million deaths which is an estimated 31 per cent of all deaths globally. Parul University's Medical Institutes responded to the call by raising awareness and learning more about Heart Health. Students gained knowledge on various lifestyle factors that contribute to Cardiovascular Diseases. It is vital for university students to prioritise their health and educate one another on how to live healthy lifestyles. This is not only beneficial towards their academics; however, this will elevate every sphere of their lives. Younger generations need to be taught to harness the power of digital health to improve awareness, the prevention and management of CVD. Numerous modifications were shared on how to avoid cardiac ailments and improve overall health:
Sedentary lifestyle
Spending more hours being inactive daily weakens the body hence at least 45 minutes of activeness is required for people who sit longer in offices and classes.
Food is highly influential on health hence maintaining a balanced diet composed of fruits and vegetables is essential. Junk foods, fast foods and soft drinks should be avoided to maintain a normal functioning of the body.
The life of students tends to be highly stressful with the juggling of university assignments ,exam preparations and an almost impossible social life. Hence at least 8 hours of sleep is required daily to avoid stressing the heart and developing other disorders.
Lack of exercise
Regular exercise is essential to maintain the normal function of the human body. At Least a daily physical activity of 30 minutes can support the immune system and decrease the chances of CVD.
Therefore caring for your heart health is essential to avoid developing disease related to CVD in the future. Experts recommend regular check ups together with Maintaining good health habits. In a nutshell, A healthy heart is a happy heart,your heart matters.