PU has not only earned a name for itself as the best university in Gujarat but it is also home to some of the city's groundbreaking hackathons and other innovative events. The university was selected as one of the nodal centers to host a State-level Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Hackathon 2022. The 36-hour challenging platform allowed students to apply their skills and knowledge to contribute solutions to the challenges of the State government departments. The challenges were provided by the government and organisations from the industry to stimulate the young minds
The hackathon was a 36-hour day-night affair with the participation of over 182 student teams from various universities and educational institutions across Gujarat. Students worked on nearly 783 different problem statements given by the Education Department, GoG. In addition, the students were presented with a learning opportunity to interact with experts from diverse fields of the industry to gain out-of-the-classroom knowledge. Through such platforms students are able to expose themselves to the real world which goes a long way to add on to the experience and prepare them for their future careers.
Over the past years PU has been actively engaging its studentsstudents andand members in innovation and technology. India is home to some of the most talented and creative"India's youth, it makess meme proud to witness such vibrant youth who are passionate about the advancement of society, furthermore i believe the students will surely reap the benefits of their hard work will contribute growthin the future", shared the University's provost Dr Amit Ganatra.