Agstaya Valand, a 3rd year BBA student from Parul University, has commenced his skating journey from Vadodara to India Gate. Going beyond his prior skating records and the current national record, Agstaya intends to push himself for an extra mile through this 1078km journey. In this 10-day journey, he intends to skate through various cities including Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Anand, Mehsana, Palanpur, Sironi, Pali, Ajmer, Jaipur, and Gurugram. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, is the banner under which Agstaya is running as a way of expressing the limitless potential of the youth and their ability to impact real change and development once given the opportunity.
“I am very optimistic about the success of this journey, already I had a wonderful send off from my peers and faculties at the University and I am sure I will succeed in my journey and be able to show that as youth we have great potential” shared Agstaya. From a young age he has always desired to become a professional skater thus conquering this 1078km journey will only be a mark of the beginning of the opportunities that he is yet to experience. Agstaya has been vigorously training and preparing for this journey with the support and guidance from trained coaches.
During his preparation for this ultimate goal he skated to Ahmedabad, a 145km journey which he completed in 20 hours. With a high level of dedication, he has also skated across the city paying tribute to veterans, he skated a distance of 88 km in tribute to Veer Sahid Harish Kumar Parmar. As a token of support, the University’s BBA institute also made.a financial support for Agstaya for his journey.